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In order to use the service you will need to create an account on the app.
Once your registration is confirmed and validated from the confirmation mail (check your spam), you can take advantage of your 3-day trial period to test the service. If you are already convinced by it, you can directly link your wallet in the management interface. This one will allow you to recover automatically your NFT squirrel and to take advantage of the functionalities linked to it.
Once registered, you will have to link your email address to your wallet (metamask or others to come). Once the address is linked to your account, an automatic verification of the presence of the NFT will be performed. If it is present and loaded with energy, you will benefit from all the related features. If the NFT is not present in the linked wallet or with 0% energy, the account will be switched to Free account (reminder: 2 days test, then the account will be deactivated and the data linked to the email will be erased after X months).